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Support Israel

We at Temple Tikvah stand in solidarity with the State of Israel and all of its residents. We grieve with our friends and family the thousands of lives lost.  We pray for healing of the wounded. We pray for those defending Israel and for the safe redemption of the captured. May an end to the violence and bloodshed come quickly.

Below is a list of organizations that you may wish to support to help relieve the suffering of those directly impacted by the war.  This list is by no means all-inclusive---there are many other organizations also doing important work in the region.   I encourage you to support those that best fit your values.  As time goes on, and the needs in Israel shift, we will update this list.  Feel free to reach out to me with suggestions of other organizations to include.  

עֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו, הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאּל 
May the One who makes peace in the high heavens make peace for us and all Israel.

Opportunities to Support Those Impacted by the Israel-Gaza War

World Union for Progressive Judaism ( – Emergency appeal from the Reform/Liberal movement’s worldwide organization to help victims of terror.  

CJP Israel Emergency Fund – Combined Jewish Philanthropies. “100% of your donation will go toward supporting victims of terror and addressing the unprecedented levels of trauma caused by these horrific attacks.”

HIAS – Jewish American refugee support organization now organizing support in Israel for displaced people.

Magen David Adom – Urgent care and blood supplies

ARZA – Association of Reform Zionists of America   Organization supporting the Reform movement and its congregations in Israel. 
New Israel Fund Emergency Response – Caring for the most vulnerable and affected; preventing intercommunal violence; combating hate speech and disinformation;  providing trauma counseling; responding immediately to human and civil rights' violations.  

United Front of the Demonstrations' Headquarters – The member organizations of the Israeli Protest Movement are uniting to support the people of Israel during this war.

Friends of Yad Sarah - Yad Sarah, the largest volunteer staffed organization in Israel, provides a vital array of compassionate health and home care services for people of all ages, with special programs directed at support for older adults and for children and adults with disabilities. Yad Sarah is rapidly mobilizing to support the sick and wounded in Israel.

One Family Fund, Teaneck, NJ - Promotes the  rights and needs of victims of terrorism in Israel and ensures their rehabilitation and reintegration into society through therapeutic resources and turning them into one family, working together to achieve emotional and economic independence. 

The Arava Institute - Trains Israeli, Palestinian and international students  in environmental peace building.  Also engaged in supporting refugee families from the Gaza envelope who have fled to Kibbutz Ketura and the Arava region.

World Central Kitchen - Is supporting families in Gaza, Israel and Lebanon impacted by the extreme escalation of violence and accompanying humanitarian crisis.

SUPPORT4ISRAEL - a website created by 4 American Israelis where you can find causes that resonate with you, no matter where you are in the world. Their mission is to make it easy to support Israel, whether it is contributing financially to a grassroots organization, taking action on social media, signing a petition, or participating in a community event.  Please note that not all organizations listed have been vetted by Temple Tikvah.

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund – if it is easier for you to use me as your channel, I will ensure that your donations make it to an organization that supports Israel and victims of the war.  Please select "Rabbi's Disc. Fund" in the dropdown menu and mark your donation  “Israel Support” in the Payment Notes section.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785