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L'Shanah tovah 5785!

This year our High Holidays will be filled with an abundance of joy as we gather to worship in meaningful prayer and reflection during the High Holidays! Let’s join with old friends, introduce ourselves to new faces, and together as one community, gather and pray in our sacred space.

Schedule of Services


Wednesday, October 2
7:30pm:  Erev Rosh Hashanah (ticketed)

Thursday, October 3
10:00am: Morning Service (ticketed)
2:00pm: Tikvah Tot Program for ages 2-7 (in-person only)
3:00pm: Family Friendly Afternoon Service 
4:45pm: Tashlich (in-person only)

Friday, October 4
10:00am: Rosh Hashanah Outdoor Service at Cunningham Park* (in-person only)

* We will enter Cunningham Park at 193rd Street & Aberdeen Road. Click here for directions.


Friday, October 11
7:00pm: Kol Nidre (ticketed)

Saturday, October 12
10:00am: Morning Service (ticketed)
2:00pm: Study and Meditation session (in-person only)
3:00pm: Family Friendly Afternoon Service 
4:45pm: Yizkor/Memorial Service & N’ilah/Concluding Service 



  • All adult members, in good standing, will receive complimentary tickets.
  • Please reach out to the office to purchase tickets for non-member family or friends by emailing Marie Brown at
  • Family Friendly Afternoon Service (Appropriate for Adults and Families with Grade School Children)
  • All services will be available to watch via YouTube Live (except where noted *)

Ticket Prices (includes in-person access to all ticketed services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur):

  • FREE: Members including adult children under 26 years old.
  • $72: Close family - member's parents, grandparents, and married children and grandchildren (including spouses), and unmarried children and grandchildren who are 26 and older on October 2, 2024.
  • $108: Extended family - all other relatives of Temple Tikvah Members (siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc)
  • $360: Non-members

Prayer Books

Temple Tikvah will provide virtual streaming access to our High Holiday services for our members who are unable to attend services in person. For those of you who plan on streaming services, we are happy to lend you our prayer books so you may follow along with us. 

Members have the option to pick up prayer books or request a special delivery to their home for those who are unable to retrieve a set of books from the Temple.

* NOTE: We will not be streaming services with PowerPoint prayer book pages this year.


Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784